1 A high caries rate

2 A multilocular radiolucency

3 An unpleasant surprise

4 Gingival recession

5 A missing incisor

6 Dow's syndrome

7 A dry mouth

8 Painful trismus

9 A large carious lesion

10 A lump on the gingiva

11 Pain on biting

12 A defective denture base

13 Sudden collapse

14 A difficult child

15 Pain after extraction

16 A numb lip

17 A loose tooth

18 Oroantral fistula

19 Troublesome mouth ulcers

20 A lump in the neck

21 Trauma to an immature incisor

22 Hypoglycaemia

23 A tooth lost at teatime

24 A problem overdenture

25 Impacted lower third molars

26 A phone call from school

27 Discoloured anterior teeth

28 A very painful mouth

29 Caution - X-rays

30 Whose fault this time?

31 Ouch!

32 A swollen face and pericoronitis

33 First permanent molars

34 A sore mouth

35 A failed bridge

36 Skateboarding accident?

37 An adverse reaction

38 Advanced periodontitis

39 Fractured incisors

40 An anxious patient

41 A blister on the cheek

42 Will you see my son?

43 Bridge design

44 Management of anticoagulation

45 A white patch on the tongue

46 Another white patch on the tongue

47 Molar endodontic treatment

48 An endodontic problem

49 A swollen face

50 Missing upper lateral incisors

51 Anterior crossbite

52 Refractory periodontitis?

53 Unexpected findings

54 A gap between the front teeth

55 A lump in the palate

56 Rapid breakdown of first permanent molars

57 Oral cancer

58 A complicated extraction

59 Difficulty in opening the mouth

60 Toothwear

61 Worn front teeth

62 A case of toothache

63 A child with a swollen face

64 A pain in the neck

65 Failed endodontic treatment

66 A pain in the head