Section I: The Orthodontic Problem
1. Malocclusion and Dentofacial Deformity in Contemporary Society

Section II: The Development of Orthodontic Problems
2. Concepts of Growth and Development
3. Early Stages of Development
4. Later Stages of Development
5. The Etiology of Orthodontic Problems

Section III: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
6. Orthodontic Diagnosis: The Problem-Oriented Approach
7. Orthodontic Treatment Planning: From Problem List to Specific Plan

Section IV: Biomechanics, Mechanics and Contemporary Orthodontic Appliances
8. The Biologic Basis of Orthodontic Therapy
9. Mechanical Principles in Orthodontic Force Control
10. Contemporary Orthodontic Appliances

Section V: Treatment in Preadolescent Children
11. Moderate Non-Skeletal Problems: Preventive and Interceptive Treatment
12. Complex Non-Skeletal Problems

Section VI: Growth Modification
13. NEW! Growth Modification in Transverse and Class III Problems 
14. NEW! Growth Modification in Class II, Open Bite/ Deep Bite, and Multi-Dimensional Problems

Section VII: Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment in the Early Permanent Dentition
15. The First Stage of Comprehensive Treatment: Alignment and Leveling
16. The Second Stage of Comprehensive Treatment: Correction of Molar Relationship and Space Closure
17. The Third Stage of Comprehensive Treatment: Finishing
18. Retention

Section VIII: Treatment for Adults
19. Special Considerations in Orthodontics for Adults
20. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment