Dentistry has been undergoing enormous changes, and the field of endodontics has certainly been at the forefront. Recent advances in technology, materials, and equipment have changed the way endodontics is practiced today, thereby facilitating treatments with greater efficiency, precision, and success, ultimately leading to better outcomes. Current Therapy in Endodontics encompasses the recent discoveries and applications for this field in one clinically relevant volume.

Evidence-based presentation of recent advances in the field of endodontics

Objective comparison of materials and instruments on the market

Tables present key data and instruction for quick viewing and comprehension

Table of Contents

List of figures, ix

List of tables, xxiii

Contributors, xxv

Foreword, xxvii

Preface, xxix

Acknowledgements, xxxi

1 Diagnosis, 1

Reza Farshey

2 Imaging technologies, 15

Reza Farshey

3 Rotary instruments, 27

Priyanka Jain

4 Determination of working length, 87

Priyanka Jain

5 Root canal filling, 111

Priyanka Jain, Mahantesh Yeli and Kakul Dhingra

6 Treatment planning of pulpless teeth, 141

Faysal Succaria and Sami M. Chogle

7 Dental traumatic injuries, 153

Zuhair Al Khatib and Edward Besner

8 Visualization in endodontics, 192

Carla Cabral dos Santos Accioly Lins, Diógenes Ferreira Alves, and Angelo Barbosa de Resende

9 Endodontic microsurgery, 202

James D. Johnson, Kathleen McNally, Scott B. McClanahan, and Stephen P. Niemczyk

10 Lasers, 258

Mohammed Alshahrani, Brian Beebe, and Sami M. Chogle

11 Dental pulp regeneration, 271

Sahng G. Kim

12 Teledentistry, 281

Mansi Jain

Quiz answers, 289