Case1. Conventional Approach 

Case2. Conventional Approach - Early Termination 

Case3. Surgery-first (SF) Approach 

Case4. SF Approach in Scissors Bite Case 

Case5. SF Approach in Premolar Extraction 

Case6. SF Approach in Unilateral Vertical Interference 

Case7. SF Approach in Class II Malocclusion 

Case8. SF Approach in Anterior Interference due to Crowding 

Case9. SF Approach of Class II Deepbite 

Case10. One-jaw SF Approach in Mandibular Asymmetry 

Case11. Two-jaw SF Approach in Facial Asymmetry 

Case12. SF Approach in Mandibular Prognathism with Asymmetry 


• Procedure of SF Orthodontics 

• Short Review of SF Orthodontic Cases